Daily Archives: May 15, 2008

Last rant for the morning: On Robinson, the Pope’s Apologies, and Various forms of Abuse

If I had been listening to live radio this morning, I would have had warning about the fire blocking Boronia Rd and the overturned truck blocking Springvale Rd and I would have gotten to work an hour early. Instead, I was listening “on the pod” to an old Religion Report, in which mine host, Stephen Crittenden, was reviewing the Pope’s trip to America–all reduced to one topic: the Sexual Abuse Crisis and the Pope’s apologies.

He was interviewing Yankee priest Tom Doyle, who has been something of a campaigner in the States for those who have have experienced sexual abuse by priests. Any way, what got me thinking was this comment by Doyle on bishops who have actually responded pastorally to the crisis:

There have been some bishops in this country who are really good, and there’ve been bishops in your country who’ve been outstanding, and one of them is going to be coming over here, Bishop Geoff Robinson, who has been prophetic.

Which is the real tragedy of the Bishop Robinson situation. Even his brother bishops noted in their statement on his book that they

are grateful for the contribution Bishop Robinson has made to the life of the Church… [and] are deeply indebted to him for his years of effort to bring help and healing to those who have suffered sexual abuse and for what he has done to establish protocols of professional standards for Church personnel in this area.

So why did he go and muck it up by putting all that other nonsense in his book? Why didn’t he simply stick to calling for justice for those who had been abused?

If it is right to hold priests to account for physically abusing the little ones in their charge, then it is also right to have the courage hold bishops to account–even though they may be otherwise deeply caring and loving pastors–if they spread doubts about the truth of the Church’s faith. It would be better for both kinds of abusers (and their victims) if they had millstones tied around their necks and were thrown into the sea (Luke 17:2).

You see, I could not help but wonder what the reaction of Fr Tom Doyle OP would be to hear that our Australian bishops have censured Robinson’s book. He would, no doubt, interpret it as the “boys club” closing ranks against one that has dared to hold them to account for the sexual abuse that has gone on under their noses. But many people (including Stephen Crittenden) have no concept of the enormity of the abuse that bishops commit when, despite all the love and care in the world, they betray their vows and the trust of their people by leading their flock astray from the Faith of the Church.

This is real, spiritual abuse. I contend that it is just as serious and just as harmful as sexual abuse. You will think I am overstating it. But only if it is not your faith and your spiritual life that is being abused. Those who have suffered under the spiritual abuse of false shepherds know what I am talking about. I know that no court, no support group, and certainly no radio station will ever hold a bishop accountable to his vows to faithfully teach the Gospel in accordance with the faith of the Church, but we should.


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The Young People of Today; or, There’s No Mind Like a Closed Mind…

Still in the Sunshine State, it is hard to credit this morning’s news that the Student Union of the University of Queensland has put the campus Newman Society on “probation” for distributing and displaying pro-life, pro-women material.

“I know the Newman Society thinks the union is being heavy handed, but the student union voted in 1993 for free, safe abortion on demand so all women have a genuine choice when faced with unwanted pregnancy,” Mr [Joshua] Young [President of the Student Union] said.

Mr Young said the vote was about 1,900 pro-choice, 1,400 against and 200 abstaining.

Asked if it precluded other viewpoints being put forward in debate on campus he said: “It does.”

Deary me, what ever happened to young people’s disdain for the past? A vote is held sometime back in the dark ages of the early 1990’s (in this case by people who would now be old enough to be Mr Young’s parents, for God’s sake) decrees that from now on the “right thought” for everyone to think must be “abortion on demand”, and today’s students will brook no dissent from that view? Methinks that Mr Young ought to get out his copy of Orwell’s 1984 and “read, learn and inwardly digest” a bit.


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Fr John Fleming to speak on his Conversion: A treat for Brisbane!

A name that pops up from time to time in my conversion retro-blog Year of Grace (yes, I know I haven’t put up a new entry for a while–patience!) is that of Fr John Fleming. Back in 1986 he was parish priest of the Anglican parish of the Good Shepherd in Adelaide, and being pestered by young Lutheran seminary students interested in learning more of the Western liturgical tradition. At that time I also knew him because of his work in bioethics, a field in which he was closely associated with my aunt and a Lutheran theologian, Pastor Daniel Overduin (one Anthony Fisher hung around in these circles too way back then). In any case, in 1987 he swam the Tiber, deeply influencing my own spiritual journey. He re-entered that journey again in 2000, and on again off again since. Now of course, he is president of Campion College, a job that keeps him so busy you need to make an appointment a year ahead to meet with him!

However, for those in Brisbane there is a treat: He is coming to you to tell his story. I should have added that it was listening to a recording of his own conversion that re-set me on my journey back at the beginning of 2000. It is a powerful story, not because it is dramatic, but because it is related by Fleming with a relentless logic and consistency. When all is said and done, there ain’t no place for someone who sets out on the path toward full submission to the Truth of Christ but the Catholic Church.

Anyway, here are the details:

Rev Dr John Fleming’s Conversion Story (May 22)

A True Practical Faith – Worth Pursuing: Chesterton once said “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”

Rev Dr John Fleming will tell his inspiring ‘conversion’ story at St. William’s on 22nd May. It is the story of a courageous transformation from Anglican to Catholic priest. Fr John is now President of Campion College in Sydney and comes with impressive credentials in philosophy, bioethics, and as an author and radio talkback host.

Fr John Fleming’s conversion will surprise us and challenge us, young and old, to value our Faith more, as a Truth which invites deeper commitment.

Thurs 22nd May, Daley Centre, 67 Dawson Parade, Keperra, 7.15 for a 7.30pm start – Gold coin donation at door appreciated

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